Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kitty 2

This is sneaker my old kitty.

My mom was allergic to them so we found them a home where we can visit them!
Actully can't get the pic to pull up!
have to fix it!
until then...
happy day!

Kitty 1

Here is another picture of my cat preston.

(on a key board)


Dear Readers:

I need some help with a project I am working on. Tell your friends and family and spread the word. I am trying to put outdoor animals back in their habitat. This is the form I sent to the petstores around me that sell animals.


I believe that it is wrong to trap wild animals. They should not be in captivity. Yes it is true I have hermit crabs and they belong outside. I will NOT be getting anymore. Some animals can deal with being in captivity because their habitat is easier to make and they are more sedentary, such guinea pigs.

This is a list of animals that should not be in captivity, you will notice a lot of them....
  • hermit crabs
  • crawdada
  • iguanas
  • snakes
  • birds
  • fish
  • snails
  • ferrets
  • dragons
  • lizards
  • chameleon
  • uromastyx
  • tortoise
  • turtle
  • frog
  • toad
  • gecko
  • anoles
  • chinchilla

Think about if you were that animal and you were being shipped from your habitat, not being treated right by some humans.

Plus you can still make money off cute little rodents, cats and dogs. But before you turn me down, please all I ask is that you think about it. And maybe even not all those animals, just a few.


I would love hear back.....

Also know that I am not trying to be mean.


That is my form I was talking about obviously. If you do write to your local pet stores, take out the personal stuff I said (like about my hermit crabs) and if you have any of the animals on that list, then add that to your sentence. Just an idea. Thanks!


Monday, February 8, 2010


I thought this one was cute because it looks like he is taking off like a airplane!

More pictures

This is max...... always wanting attention!:)

lost track of number... picture

This is max's nose just thought it was a cute sight!

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This is Lucky, he lost his tale!:(

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This is Lucky, the kitty kat, My mom's friend's cat.

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This is buddy, my moms friends dog.

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This is me with Eugene...... he looks like an alien...

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This is Eugene going at it!

just to know

At the very beggining of my blog I gave tips on animal care.
Check it out!

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This is max with my moms slipper that he took away.

Picture +13

A little comparison test I did here......

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This is Oreo in her Eco-bedding we get for them every once in a while.

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This is a picture of a yet to become extinct Yellow Swallow Tale Butterfly.

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This is cinnamen, another one of lisa's poggles!

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This is a cute picture of carmaleta....... If your new to my blog, go to my older posts button and you will see a little bit about her.

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This is what I call..... The Nose Knows.

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My so called little lamb.....Oreo!

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This is Red grazing on a summer day!

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This is a picture I got of Mini, grazing.

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This is a squirrel picture i took, and I call it....
The Tree Hugger

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This is Reese the dog, a very sweet dog who belonged to former neighbor.

More Pictures

Here is a playset my friend Lisa and I built for 6 pigs--they had a blast!

The Magic Appearing Guinea Pig

Last night I was with my friend Aranka and we were taking my poggles out and Red ran behind a space in the closet where the cages are. She was there for a little while and I was playing on a website called Club Penguin. Aranka used to have guinea pigs and she really wanted to play with mine, so she said, "Can I take Red out?"

I said, "Red's already out. She's behind the closet."

She said, "No...she's in her cage. Look!"

I still said, "No she's noooooot. That couldn't be possible!"

I looked and there she was--eating some hay! I couldn't believe it. The cage was bent a little because it's the type you have to put together. But that's the amazing appearing guinea pig! The end!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pictures.. finally!

These are some pictures I have been wanting to show you guys. Some of them are out of order so don't get mixed up!

This is Oreo. I just thought that was a cute picture of her trying to get out of the cage.

Krusty the Crab (below)--you've heard about him so you know the rest.

Archie (right). Can you find the hidden animal? It's Red hiding in the shirt sleeve!

K.C. (right): You've heard about her too, so you know the rest like I said about Krusty.

white tigers

Dear everyone, I am now working on wolves and white tigers!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Dear people,
my blog has gotten really boring.
So I am going to research wolfs and update you on them.
My purpose of this blog was to tell you about my animals and other animals so you learn a lot more, but I have not been doing that.
Leave me a comment and tell me your favorite animal.
it could be a bug, insect, house pet, wild animal, anything!
I will research it and write about it.
-love for crabs.
PLEASE check out my older posts button at the bottom, for those of you that just found out about my blog.