Monday, February 1, 2010


Dear people,
my blog has gotten really boring.
So I am going to research wolfs and update you on them.
My purpose of this blog was to tell you about my animals and other animals so you learn a lot more, but I have not been doing that.
Leave me a comment and tell me your favorite animal.
it could be a bug, insect, house pet, wild animal, anything!
I will research it and write about it.
-love for crabs.
PLEASE check out my older posts button at the bottom, for those of you that just found out about my blog.


  1. I've always wanted to learn more about BIGFOOT! Does that count?

  2. I would like to hear more about White Tigers(snow tigers). Some of my questions about these tigers would be, where is their natural home, how many are in the wild still? What is the difference between White and Orange tigers?

    What other types of animal would you have if their is no limitations?

