Monday, February 8, 2010

The Magic Appearing Guinea Pig

Last night I was with my friend Aranka and we were taking my poggles out and Red ran behind a space in the closet where the cages are. She was there for a little while and I was playing on a website called Club Penguin. Aranka used to have guinea pigs and she really wanted to play with mine, so she said, "Can I take Red out?"

I said, "Red's already out. She's behind the closet."

She said, "No...she's in her cage. Look!"

I still said, "No she's noooooot. That couldn't be possible!"

I looked and there she was--eating some hay! I couldn't believe it. The cage was bent a little because it's the type you have to put together. But that's the amazing appearing guinea pig! The end!

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