Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Dear Readers:

I need some help with a project I am working on. Tell your friends and family and spread the word. I am trying to put outdoor animals back in their habitat. This is the form I sent to the petstores around me that sell animals.


I believe that it is wrong to trap wild animals. They should not be in captivity. Yes it is true I have hermit crabs and they belong outside. I will NOT be getting anymore. Some animals can deal with being in captivity because their habitat is easier to make and they are more sedentary, such guinea pigs.

This is a list of animals that should not be in captivity, you will notice a lot of them....
  • hermit crabs
  • crawdada
  • iguanas
  • snakes
  • birds
  • fish
  • snails
  • ferrets
  • dragons
  • lizards
  • chameleon
  • uromastyx
  • tortoise
  • turtle
  • frog
  • toad
  • gecko
  • anoles
  • chinchilla

Think about if you were that animal and you were being shipped from your habitat, not being treated right by some humans.

Plus you can still make money off cute little rodents, cats and dogs. But before you turn me down, please all I ask is that you think about it. And maybe even not all those animals, just a few.


I would love hear back.....

Also know that I am not trying to be mean.


That is my form I was talking about obviously. If you do write to your local pet stores, take out the personal stuff I said (like about my hermit crabs) and if you have any of the animals on that list, then add that to your sentence. Just an idea. Thanks!


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