Tuesday, January 19, 2010


First off before I start my story I don't have any pictures of Bigboy or anything of his.

BUT I will put a picture of his favorite shell. He was ALMOST big enough to fit into it but not yet. I would also like to say that I love him and all my crabs.


This event happened on 10-26-09 (the day Krusty died, but I did not know it yet).

I will tell a little about my crabs and tell you a little bit more about crabs and their death in another entry. (Feel free to check out my coments and or leave one.)


Last night I decided to pick up my colossal hermit crab, Bigboy (he is the size of a baseball) and he blissfully decided to PEE ON ME.

A couple hours later: I thought, "Well, I guess I could try and pick him up again." I did so, and it happened again!

A couple more hours later: I tried picking him up again and finally nothing happened! He came out and decided to take a trip up to my face! When he reached my hair, he decided to make a nest and do some rearranging! He grabbed my hair with his little claw and sat tight for awhile! Before you could say, "Jack Robinson," I pulled him off and guess what came off my head? HAIR! He is a very active crab. If you pick him up he almost falls out of his shell, then pops in for four seconds then pops right back out!

But back to what I was saying. After that I was lying flat on my mom's bed watching TV.

I put him back on my leg, and he decided to take a road trip up to my face! After sitting on my shoulder for half an hour, he made a trip across my neck which tickled and hurt horrifically. Then he went to my other shoulder. I gently put him back in his aquarium.

Well, that was my crabby night!


Bigboy is gone now. Rest in Peace.

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