Monday, January 18, 2010


I have 5 animals. That simple. I have three guinea pigs and two crabs. My guinea pigs' names are Oreo, Red, and Mini.

My crabs' names are Eugene and Fuzzwuzz. I got Eugene from the Humane Society and got my picture on the website ( -- and you can find me in the Kids' Corner with the headline, "Sarah Adopts Steve McQueen"). I got Fuzzwuzz from your regular pet store (Petsmart) and I have had six crabs total in my life. Their names were Krusty (here's a picture of his shell), Coral (was very, very small), KC, and Big Boy--he was the size of a baseball. Later in my blog I will show you the story I wrote about him. Krusty and Coral were my first two crabs, and about a week later I got KC. Then I got Eugene, then Fuzzwuzz and Big Boy. When I brought Fuzzwuzz home, he drank off the sponge for about literally two hours and Krusty was getting very upset because that was his place. He would sleep next to the sponge because he was sometimes dehydrated.

Krusty, KC, Big Boy, and Coral are dead now. KC was the first to go, then Coral, then Krusty. Krusty was my favorite. He was very special. Then Big Boy. KC died of a shell disease that when you don't boil the hermit crab shells if another crab has already been in it, they can get a disease from the other crab. Coral liked to crawl under the water dish and I think was crushed or she had a disease where her legs fell off. Krusty was sick for awhile, but made it through most of it, got better, and got sick again and died when he was molting his skin. Big Boy died because the temperature was changing from different rooms and that makes their legs fall off. They can normally regenerate their legs, but he was very sick.

I take very good care of my crabs. I have a big aquarium, coconut bark (sand makes them sick), and give them socializing time and let them outside. None of my crabs ever die without at least going out and playing in the grass once. Do not do this if you have pesticides on your lawn. I always make sure they have water and food. Krusty used to eat some of the fat that my mom made out of her stocks and it was very good for them because they are scavengers and are not very picky.

A girl I know has two crabs named Herman and Holly, and I helped her get an aquarium, coconut bark, and everything you need for crabs to be healthy because her crabs were 1) their legs were getting chipped and looked horrible and 2) Herman couldn't fit in his shell and right as we went and got him a new shell he changed right, and I mean RIGHT away.

You can also look at the picture of my aquarium I have posted.

I have learned through all of my experiences with my crabs dying how to take care of them and I have read a lot more and learned a lot more. These are some of the things you need if you have crabs. You can find all these things in your local pet store. (These are land crabs I'm talking about). A sponge for them to drink off--There's a picture of one and something else called a cuttle bone (When you give it to them break it up into tiny pieces.) hat gives them a lot of nutrients and there is also a picture of one. Make sure you don't put any tap water in the sponge--it should be good-quality water or they will get sick and die because there are chemicals in the water, a big aquarium (but it doesn't have to be really big), FISH food (don't ever get hermit crab food) called Top Fin Small Freeze Dried Medley and cubic worms also by Top Fin. The worms are not alive, obviously. A heater, but it can't go on the bottom because they will fry--it should go on the side. And a water dish that has two holders, one for water and two for food. It is okay to mix the cubic worms and medley together. Make sure they also have tons of color in their diet like apples, oranges, papaya, coconut, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, carrots, and leafy greens. If you pick up some grass from outside (no pesticides), my crabs love to burrow in it and the coconut bark. Don't be alarmed if you don't find them. Keep in mind they won't always eat the same things, and if they don't eat, don't be alarmed either. Never dig them up because it could disturb them and make them sick for some reason. They also need to have some good meat and it has to be grass-fed and organic. Never raw. Sometimes it can even be fish. The can eat anything that doesn't have spices or preservatives, but BE CAREFUL.

If you have any questions or want more information on how to care for your crabs, please feel free to leave a comment and I will answer it as soon as possible. I also know a lot about other animals, so just ask me and I can help you. I am an expert about dogs and know how to treat cancer and how to make them feel better.

Soon I will post more pictures of my crabs. My next entry will be the Big Boy story that I wrote! It took me a really long time to edit!


  1. I was wondering is it harmful for the shell to be painted? I have seen several crabs painted.

  2. it is harmful for the shell to be painted, even if its crab paint because there is still dyes in it and not anything in that paint would be in there habitats.

  3. Hi, this is Christie's sister..I liked your blogs. I read the hermit crab one yesterday and the guinea pig today , I never have had the hermit crabs, they look like a lot of fun. I had a guinea pig once, and some hamsters. I think the hamsters got mites, and the pet store medicine did not get rid of them, and i even bathed the poor hamsters. I breed persian cats and now i just have half persian half domestic cats, they came out gorgeous. Do guinea pigs ever need a heater in the winter of some sort? When I was little I think we had some in the basement that died from being cold my mom told me. Maybe when you grow up, you can work at a vet clinic as a technician, or even with a lot of hard work at a college, you could even be a veterinarian! I used to work at a vet clinic years ago when I was 21 , it was a lot of work but I really liked it, it was hard to see animals die but fun to work with the healthy ones, and I saw a lot of surgeries. Christie will give you my email address. Keep up the good work taking good care of them all. you could do a google search for guinea pig arthritis for the one with the broken leg problems. Maybe you would find some health food store medications. I will send you some more email or posts on your blog when I have more time again and thanks for the fun blog. Good Job !!

  4. ok... I went and did some research for you about guinea pigs that have stiffness in the legs, as a broken leg heals, it will become arthritis. This can be very serious. You can get at the pet store, in the cat and dog section a bottle of the lowest dosage of glucosamine and chondroitin tablets, about 10 dollars. and you would have to break it down to only a few very very tiny crumbs, and put it in or on some sort of food. It is supposed to help inflammation and pain and help pigs move better. You can read about it on google,my sister will help you. I hope it helps.

  5. Thanks christies siter for posting comments.
    I was not done typing for my guine pig entry big i was getting to
    There is a special type of milk that helps them but not any old milk.
    Thanks u so much for taking the time to do look at that stuff.
    Mini is getting a lot healthyer and can climb now.
    yours truly,
    Sarah and the gang
