Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Hi everyone,
I just got an e-mail from the human society, and they have been working on a BIG case.
This dog named Niko was rescued 149 days ago and needs your help.
I'm sad to say that I can't get the pictures on this entry but if you want them, reply on comments and leave me your e-mail and I will send them to you. They are not horrific pictures, only almost all the furrs gone, and its a picture from the back so nothing intolerable.
It also shows a after picture and he looks like nothing had ever happened. you could not even tell he is 14!

The human society has spent thousands of dollars to get him back to health.
There is a hearing on Feb. 4th. I need you to write the judge, and tell him in very polite way that, animal cruelty is a very serious crime, and that, that dog is a living, breathing, creature, and that his treatment was unacceptable. his owner should have been held accountable and he deserves a new family now.
Like i said make sure to put that his care cost thousands of dollars and that the owner should of paid that.

Please help me out with this.

Here is his address:
Judge Mike Gerou
35th District Court
660 Plymouth Road
Plymouth MI


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this, Sarah. I really really really hate hearing about the mistreatment of animals. And the poor dog is 14! What will become of him during his "retirement" days???
