Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Maximillian +2

Like I said a couple entries ago, I was going to write about my experiences with him everyday. But as you can seeI have not done that in a couple of days. Not much to say!:/ (that means bored)

There is a local dog-o-mat and you get to wash the dogs yourself, but it not much of a hassle as long as your dog stays under control. You get help if you need it. Max stinks really bad. My mom and I want to take him there, but we just haven't had the time yet.

Today, January 27, my SUPER-babysitter, Christie, came over ( She's doing a "Project 365" project where she posts photos every day for a year. But back to what I was saying. I came home from school and she was sitting on the couch. Max was right there next to her and from about a couple squares of the sidewalk away, he noticed me. He wasn't exactly quite looking out the window; his head was down. We started playing "Would you rather?" and all of a sudden he started climbing up on Christie--putting his paws on her shoulders kind of licking her but not really touching her face. She got him off, but he went right back. It was very funny. He started growling at the dogs across the street. I had enough, so we came in here (office) typing my blog entry. That's pretty much it!



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